Assessment, Attainment and Progress

At Lynch Hill Primary Academy we have high expectations and strive to ensure all of our pupils achieve well academically. 

Whilst the introduction of a new national curriculum from September 2014 meant that schools would track and report on pupil progress without the use of national curriculum levels, as a school, we were very confident that we would continue to be accurate in our judgements on pupil progress. We use Insight Tracking as our online assessment tracking tool and this programme clearly supports teachers and pupils, for it offers progression statements or ‘ladders of progression’ for each year group, enabling teachers to evaluate individual pupil progress and identify the next steps in learning for the child. Targets are set after a discussion between teacher and pupil and pupils are very much involved in the assessment and evaluation process. These targets are regularly monitored, evaluated and shared with pupils and their parents/carers. 

At the end of each term, pupil reports are completed and parents/carers are able to see how their child is progressing when compared with national expectations and their cohort. In the autumn and spring, this is in the form of an individual Target card and the invitation to attend a 1:1 progress review meeting with the child’s class teacher. In the summer term, progress, attainment and targets are communicated via a more detailed end of year report. 

For pupils in KS1 and KS2, this attainment is reported to parents/carers in the following terms: 

  • Below the age expected standard  

  • Just Below the age expected standard 

  • Working at the age expected standard 

  • Exceeding (Greater depth) the age expected standard 

For pupils in EYFS, we use the terms ’emerging’ and ’expected’. 

To download Performance Data for 2024  please click here

To go to our Performance Dashboard on the website, please click here