Inclusion, SEND and Learning Support

At Lynch Hill School we aim to ensure all children make progress and fulfil their potential. We do this through an exciting, motivating and personalised curriculum, ensuring that every child is effectively supported and challenged to be the best they can be. We embrace the fact that every child is different and therefore, the educational needs of every child are different. Equality of opportunity is central to the work of our school and we believe we are successful in removing barriers to learning so that all pupils can achieve. Through regular and rigorous assessments children who need additional support are quickly identified and supported through individualised learning interventions. These interventions are reviewed frequently to ensure their effectiveness and secure progress. At Lynch Hill School, achievement is for everyone and our rigorous systems and support networks ensure every child succeeds; no one falls through the net.

The Inclusion team work collaboratively with school staff, parents and pupils to plan and direct appropriate support for those with additional needs or disabilities, seeking external support when required.  

In every action, we aim to work as closely as possible with parents to ensure a child-centred approach to complement the work they do in supporting their child in meeting their targets and goals.




Charley Seaman

Assistant SENDCO

Stacey Dean

EYFS Inclusion Lead

Cathy Dyde

Inclusion Lead

Claire Cargin

Inclusion Administrator

Petre Hector


Support in school:

As a school we are committed to providing high quality teaching, pastoral care and effective interventions. We recognise the importance of investment in staff (Teaching Assistants, Specialist Teaching Assistants, administrative support for Inclusion, Therapists, Pupil support lead) and staff training to ensure this happens. In taking a holistic approach, to supporting pupils, we have developed a wide range of interventions to support each broad area of need.

Learning and Cognition

  • Pre-teaching and overlearning opportunities
  • Precision teaching
  • Colour semantics
  • Active literacy kit
  • Stile
  • Homework club
  • PiXL therapies
  • Read, write inc. Fresh start
  • Small guided group and 1:1 sessions

Social, emotional and mental health

  • Zones of regulation
  • Personalised reward charts
  • ELSA*
  • Pupil support lead
  • Nurture club (specific to Year 1 pupils)*
  • Counselling psychologist*
  • Arts psychotherapist*

*Please see the Wellbeing page for further details

Communication and Interaction

  • Wellcomm
  • Total communication
  • Language links
  • Speech links
  • Attention autism
  • Delivery of SALT programmes designed and directed by NHS

Physical and sensory

  • Sensory circuits
  • Small sensory spaces to promote relaxation and regulation
  • Access to resources (ear defenders, weighted items, cushions)
  • Adapted activities
  • Collaborative working with specialist teachers and occupational therapists


All of the interventions listed above is in addition to quality first teaching strategies and other supportive practices which are commonplace at lynch hill which include;

  • Individual provision maps and termly parent meetings for pupils with SEND
  • Enhanced support plans based on the findings of professional reports
  • Annual reviews for pupils with EHCPs
  • An enhanced transition plan for those needing additional support moving between year groups or phases of education
  • Access to a lunchtime club

Support at home:

At Lynch Hill we recognise that some pupils require additional support at home and endeavour to do all we can to help parents in doing so. This also follows a graduated approach beginning with the use of visual timetables, ABC behaviour charts and emotion wheels. Other forms of support include the use of external services such as GEMs, Early Help and SEBDOS who can provide bespoke support with experienced practitioners. Information on these services is regularly shared on the school newsletter or passed on at coffee mornings for parents of SEND pupils which are held on a regular basis.

Extra-curricular opportunities

All pupils are encouraged to undertake extracurricular activities which are changed on a termly basis. Adult support can be extended for those with an EHCP specifying full time one to one support for the duration of the school day.

Inclusion sports clubs are available to Key stage 2 pupils with additional needs and offers opportunities to represent the school at county events.


Click the links on the left to find out more information.