School Development Priorities

At Lynch Hill School Primary Academy we continually strive to offer your children the best we can. In order to continue improving this year, our school development priorities plan for 2023-2025 is below:



Priority 1

Quality of Education

To continue to embed an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum with high quality teaching and learning where there is a key focus on children knowing more, remembering more, applying more and articulating more. We must ensure that the curriculum is fully sequenced, across all subjects, making clear the most important things that pupils need to know and remember at each stage of their education

Priority 2

Quality of Education

To ensure quality-first teaching is fully embedded and in line with the school’s pedagogical approach and that SEND support is consistent and of a high standard across the whole school

Priority 3

Quality of EYFS Provision

To maintain the outstanding offer in EYFS with a curriculum that enables all children to build deeply on what they already know and can do. Continue to ensure that children achieve exceptionally well in the early years, including any two-year-olds. so that by the end of EYFS all children are confident and ready to move on to Year 1

Priority 4

Personal development and behaviour & attitudes

To further embed a culture of health and wellbeing across the school for pupils and staff, ensuring that we build effective, respectful relationships between pupils and all adults within the school community and beyond.

To develop the concept of community responsibility and being grateful and appreciative for what we have, fostering a greater awareness of local and global issues of inequality and the positive contributions we can make

Priority 5

Leadership and Management

To secure clear succession plans which will ensure long-term school improvement which continues to raise whole school standards. To continue to develop strong leadership structures, ensuring that leaders at all levels are able to make a positive impact within school and the wider community which helps to make Lynch Hill the school of choice for families.