Lynch Hill has 120 places in each year group, year R to year 6. Class sizes are limited to 30 pupils per class in Reception, year 1 and year 2. There is one intake each year into Reception, in September. An application for a Reception place is made using the common application form (CAF) which is available from Slough Borough Council. More information about Slough Borough's admissions process can be found here.
For Reception 2024 Admissions please read this letter from Slough Borough Council.
Some parents have reported issues using the citizens portal. If you are having problems, please email the systems and information team using the the following link: outlining the problems you are experiencing.
All other applications, including those for our Nursery, are made using an ‘in year’ admission form. These applications are processed by the school. The school maintains a waiting list. Applications are ranked according to the published oversubscription criteria. The waiting list is held for one academic year. Length of time on the waiting list is not used for selection in the case of oversubscription.
To download our Admissions policy 2024-25 please click here
To download our In-Year and Nursery Application form please click here
Children are admitted in September following their 3rd birthday. Places are part time, either five mornings or five afternoons per week. There is one intake into Nursery in September each year.
The school operates a waiting list for the Nursery. Applications for a Nursery place are accepted at any time throughout the year and from any age. Length of time on the waiting list is not used for selection in the case of oversubscription.
Looked after children, previously looked after children, and those allocated a place at the school in accordance with a Fair Access Protocol take precedence over those on a waiting list.
In all cases, where a decision has been made to refuse a place at the school parents have the right of appeal. All appeals need to be made in writing to the Appeals Clerk and will be considered by an independent panel.
The timetable for appeals is as follows:
Primary School Allocation Date: 16th April 2025
Deadline to lodge an appeal: 17th May 2025
Deadline to submit all evidence: 24th May 2025
Deadlines to hear all primary school appeals will be 19th July 2025
All appeals to be heard on Zoom.
The appeals form must now be completed online using this link:
Alternatively, please scan this QR code: