Curriculum Statement
To teach the curriculum is the role of the teacher. To provide an environment that gives the child enrichment for life’s journey is the role of the educator.
At Lynch Hill, we celebrate the learning journey and each and every one of us is fully committed to our strapline:
‘Aim High, Work Hard and Care Deeply’
The staff and Governors of Lynch Hill School Primary Academy believe that each child has the right to access a rich, broad, balanced curriculum which enables in-depth study matched to pupils’ ages, abilities, interests, aptitudes and special needs.
Our Curriculum Intent:
We aim to develop children:
· As motivated individuals who strive for high academic achievement
· As responsible and caring members of the community
· As independent, life-long learners with skills that can be applied in different contexts
· Who have high self-esteem, respecting themselves, others and the world around them
Our key aims & priorities for designing our curriculum:
· We aim to provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced, yet still offers in-depth study and promotes academic excellence, high aspirations and strong cultural capital.
· We will teach the programmes of study in each national curriculum subject in line with the National Primary Curriculum.
· We will strive to ensure there is logical progression and that skills are built upon and enable learners to know more and remember more. Learning opportunities will therefore be designed to utilise carefully crafted increases in challenge to enable all pupils to apply their skills in a wide variety of settings - carefully planned variation enables pupils to make and use links within and between their learning
· We will always recognise that English, Maths and the development of basic skills are a necessary priority, as our children need to become secure and confident learners in these subjects if they are to make good progress in their education. Reading, writing and maths skills will be celebrated across all areas of the curriculum.
· We will ensure that our curriculum will meet the needs of all pupils in our school
· Spoken language and oracy will be given the attention it deserves and pupils will be taught to: listen and respond to adults and peers, ask relevant questions and articulate and justify their own ideas and opinions, speak audibly and fluently in a wide range of settings and with an ever-increasing command of Standard English.
· We will continually promote a culture and ethos of positive behaviours, including equality, tolerance and respect and a strong belief that any form of discriminatory and prejudiced behaviour is unacceptable
· We will ensure our pupils develop an awareness and understanding of potential risks and how to manage them which will protect them from abuse, radicalisation and extremism
· We will actively promote physical development for all and recognise the positive impact good health and fitness have on academic outcomes
· Our curriculum and school environment will encourage high rates of attendance and punctuality
· We will strive to develop positive attitudes towards learning and inspire and enable pupils in all year groups to make progress from prior attainment
· Our curriculum will be enhanced further with extra-curricular opportunities, enabling pupils to extend knowledge further and to improve their skills
· We will prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain and for success in the years ahead through impartial careers guidance and preparation for secondary education, further education and employment
· Our lessons will be designed to challenge pupils, make them think and enable them to make links
· A carefully designed programme of learning to ensure that topics are studied to ensure deeper understanding.
· Problem solving and reasoning are at the heart of our curriculum, with ideas being investigated and challenged within a learning session - seeing patterns, making links and deeper generalisations.
· Independent work and projects will develop the ideas in a wide variety of different ways
· Opportunities for children to talk about their learning and to teach others
· SMSC will be at the heart of the curriculum and not simply an additional lesson as developing the learning goals and embedding British values will help to ensure our pupils can succeed as global citizens
Our Whole School Curriculum Map can be downloaded here
Our full Curriculum Policy Statement can be downloaded here.
For more information on the National Curriculum please click here