
In Lynch Hill, we believe that the Computing Curriculum is not an isolated subject but one that is the integral part of all learning. It is designed to meet the objectives of the National Curriculum and enables pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to further understand our rapidly changing world. Computers and technology underpin our everyday lives and our pupils will be at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to a rather thorough and robust Computing Curriculum. Our vision is for all teachers and learners in our school to become confident users of ICT so that they can develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which enables them to be confident, creative and independent learners.

In view of this, pupils should be taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, we intend for our children to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. We aim to ensure that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology, behave responsibly and safely online – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

We endeavour to provide pupils with cross-curricular opportunities to further develop all this skills and knowledge, making deep links with areas such as Science, Geography, History, and English.


Our Computing lessons are based on The Switched-On Computing Scheme. This scheme provides a broad and balanced curriculum and the lessons are planned in a sequential manner.

In Early Years, Computing is taught as part of ‘Understanding the World’. Through play and engagement children are given the opportunity to find out about technology by exploring devices and the internet. They are not only encouraged to play with what they know but also to ‘have a go’ at the unfamiliar ones. Children are motivated to be involved in the activities, resilient at achieving what they set out to do and enjoy the technology around them. Pupils are taught to be critical at their thinking and creativity, having their own ideas and choosing how to complete certain tasks, evaluating their choices and thoughts as they do so.

In Key Stage 1, the children learn to understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. They are taught to create and debug simple programs and use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs. Pupils are shown how to use a range of technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content as well as recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. They are taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

In Key Stage 2, the children design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.  They use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs, use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and correct errors in algorithms and programs. Children are taught to understand computer networks, including the internet, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. Very importantly, pupils are encouraged to use search technologies effectively, learn to appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. Children have the opportunity to select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals. In addition, they are led to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact

As a result of our thorough and robust curriculum, our children are confident using a wide range of hardware and software, and are diligent learners who can value online safety and show respect when communicating with one another. Our ongoing assessment of pupils and regular discussions with them, shows they are equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but more importantly, safely. As children become more confident in their computing skills,  we see that they become more independent at key life skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking and self-evaluation.