

Here at Lynch Hill, we understand that music is a universal language and as such, we believe that a high-quality music education should inspire and engage pupils to develop a love of music, increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.  From EYFS through to Year 6, music plays a daily part in our pupils’ lives, from critical engagement with music, to learning to play an instrument, to composing and performing melodies and rhythms.  

By the end of Year 6, we aim to ensure that all pupils have had the opportunity to: 

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate a range of music from different composers across a variety of genres and traditions.   

  • Sing and use their voices to create and compose music on their own and with others. 

  • Learn how to play a variety of instruments, from untuned/tuned percussion to brass.  

  • Understand how music is created and communicated through secure understanding of pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre and texture.  

  • Read and perform musical notation 

  • Perform to an audience and celebrate achievements!        

Our music curriculum is designed to teach pupils not only the practical elements of music-making, but also an appreciation of the transferable skills it enables; attentive listening, appraising and teamwork. This is done with a clear understanding that our pupils are all different and that some adaptions may be required in order for all pupils to experience success. 


In EYFS, music supports daily classroom learning – children perform actions to rhymes/songs and experiment with different sounds and instruments. 

In KS1, pupils receive a weekly music lesson in which they begin to understand the meaning of pitch, developing their singing voices within a limited range.  They learn the difference between pulse and rhythm, performing these on their bodies/instruments and compose short sequences of sound. Pupils learn how to play percussion instruments, controlling these appropriately to perform individually and within groups and begin to record their musical ideas using graphic scores.  

In KS2, weekly music lessons continue to develop and build on the skills learnt in KS1.  Year 3 pupils learn the range of notes in the pentatonic scale and use this knowledge to compose and perform melodies and accompaniments on tuned percussion instruments, such as glockenspiels.  In Years 4 and 5, all pupils learn to play a brass instrument, understanding how posture and embouchure enable a clear tone.  Pupils read, perform, improvise and compose increasingly more complex rhythmic and melodic sequences.  In Year 6, pupils learn about syncopation, compose pieces in multiple parts using graphic scores and dot notation and perform music from other cultures. 

At Lynch Hill, aside from weekly curricular music lessons, we strive to offer our pupils wider musical experiences.  We work closely with Slough Music Service to offer group, paired and individual piano, violin, brass, singing and guitar lessons.  The Music Service hosts its Music Centre at our school, enabling our pupils to take part in a choir and a mixed musical ensemble.  Furthermore, we offer an after-school club for our EYFS pupils.   

Throughout the school year, we take part in a variety of singing festivals, projects and music concerts arranged by the Music Service.  Additionally, musical experiences are celebrated regularly within our school.  Parents are invited to watch year group learning presentations and concerts in which all pupils perform, either as part of a choir or as soloists.  


Music at Lynch Hill forms an integral part of our pupils’ daily lives, the outcome of which is evident in the quality of our showcases and the confidence in which our pupils perform. Lesson visits, observations, informal assessments and discussions with children tell us that children recognise the importance of music and enjoy the challenges it presents. It is clear that children progress in the understanding of music and their ability to transfer the skills taught into other areas of the curriculum. 


Click here to download the Music Development Plan