
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. At Lynch Hill we ensure our safeguarding approach is child-centred and everything we do is to advocate for the well-being and safety of our children and their families. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mrs J. Maule  

Our Deputy DSLs are: Mrs L. Bunce, Mrs S. Das and Mrs L. Tomlinson 

Our Designated Safeguarding Governor is: Ms D. Fletcher 

If you wish to contact a member of the safeguarding team, you can email: 

Our Policies and procedures relating to Safeguarding, Child Protection, the Prevent Duty and British Values are available to read by clicking on the links below. 

If you have safeguarding concerns about a child in Slough, you can contact Slough Children First's Referrals and Assessment team at 01753 875362. 

Alternatively, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline by calling 0808 800 5000, emailing or completing their report abuse online form. 

Websites that parents may find useful are listed below: