The positive reinforcement of good behaviour is a high priority at Lynch Hill. We also want to develop our pupils as mature, thoughtful and independent learners. We stand firmly by our ethos and believe in our strapline ‘Aim High, Work hard, Care deeply’ because pupils are given so many opportunities to work towards personal goals or targets, and to experience success both individually and collaboratively. Achievements are recognised and celebrated in many ways.
Good Day Tickets:
All pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 work to earn Good Day Tickets each day they are in school. If they have completed tasks (including homework), behaved well both in class and in the playground, and displayed a positive attitude, their homework diaries will be stamped. We feel stamping the diaries and collecting the Good Day Tickets in this manner is an important way of communicating with parents and carers regarding how well the children are settling and responding in school. Children who have collected a considerable number of good day tickets will receive their ‘Certificate of Achievement’ alongside a small prize at the end of term.
Weekly Awards:
Each week, teachers will nominate pupils in their class who are deserving of the Headteacher’s Award or a Praise Award. The pupil’s name – and the reason for receiving the award – will be read out in assembly or celebrated by the Year Leader and they are presented with a special sticker. Their names will also feature on the weekly newsletter. Pupils receiving the Headteacher’s award in KS2 will be invited to have afternoon tea with Mrs Tomlinson on Friday afternoon.
Significant Achievement Awards:
Staff closely monitor the progress of each and every child in their class, and recognise the significant achievements made by individuals. At the end of each term, teachers nominate one pupil per class to receive the Significant Achievement certificate and book prize. They will also nominate two further pupils for recognition of their achievements and progress during the term: they will also receive a book prize.
This is a special reward system for Year 6 pupils. We recognise that the final year of primary school is a particularly challenging one and there are many obstacles to overcome in the preparation for secondary school. Our oldest pupils receive credits for their positive efforts and can trade these for goods in the Credit cupboard.
Additional Reward Time:
In addition to the above, children will have the opportunity to enjoy a reward afternoon each half term. During this session, children might enjoy a class or year group party or some Golden Time where they would select their preferred activity from a list of options and reflect on a positive half term where they have worked hard to achieve their goals.