More Able

The term ‘More Able’ is used by Oftsed to describe children who are working above the age expectations of their peers. In each cohort the number of children can vary however nationally a guide line of 25% of each year group should fall into this category.  'More Able' used to be called 'gifted and talented'.

How does Lynch Hill cater for More Able pupils?

At Lynch Hill, we closely monitor groups of more able children across the core areas – Reading, Writing and Maths – tracking their progress from entry to the school until they leave us for the journey into secondary school. It is important that all children reach their full potential and for this reason we provide targeted intervention to keep children working to the best of their abilities.

In the day to day curriculum children are set from an early age and this allows teachers to cater for the needs of children at their level in order to provide an appropriate level of challenge.

How does More Able provision differ from the term Gifted and Talented?

In previous years, Lynch Hill has been dedicated to running a full programme of enriching activities and learning opportunities for our most able or talented pupil across all the subjects taught in our school. Even though, we are moving away from using this terminology we still wish to recognise the top 5-10% of children in each cohort, and will be referring to these as our Most Able Pupils.

What additional support will be provided for our Most Able Pupils?

We will keep a register of our Most Able Pupils as before. It lists the areas that pupils excel in and details additional support that should be offered in school.

At Lynch Hill, we are keen to ensure that all pupils are given the necessary support to ensure they meet their potential and flourish. This is the same for Most Able Pupils . Teachers prepare additional support plans to ensure relevant opportunities are given. These often focus on extension materials that pupils need to ensure they are constantly learning. We also aim to provide opportunities for children beyond the classroom, hosting assemblies, workshops, Day a Week School and trips.

What does the school expect from its Most Able Pupils?

Children who are identified with a particular talent or gift are given additional planned provision. As a school, we would like to see our Most Able children taking ownership of their own learning, showing independence and aspirations to challenge themselves. There are many opportunities at Lynch Hill School and we see commitment and enthusiasm from the children as an important factor in the success of the Most Able Programme.

How can following the Most Able Programme benefit my child?

At Lynch Hill, we are not simply aiming to build students that have an extensive knowledge or talent in an area but are trying to develop learners who have a range of skills beyond their peers. Most Able pupils should be able to tackle any problem presented to them and this year we will be promoting this through our 8 Personal Learning Goals: Adaptability, Communication, Co-operation, Enquiry, Morality, Resilience, Respect and Thoughtfulness.

I think my child should be considered as Most Able?

We recognise that parents spend lots of time supporting their children to complete a number of additional activities. As such, you may believe that your child has talent or abilities above their peers. If this is the case please come and speak to your child’s class teacher and discuss your reasons in detail.

In the Autumn Term, parents are invited to formally nominate their children as Most Able. On receipt of your form, teachers will meet to discuss the information you have supplied them with and compare your child’s abilities with their peers. They will also ensure that school can support your child’s development. Following this, you will receive notification.

We have noticed that many pupils in KS1 that are considered to be Most Able are the eldest pupils. Therefore, as a school, we simply monitor the progress pupils in KS1 make and ensure relevant extension opportunities are given. As they enter KS2, we can be more sure that pupil ability is due to being Most Able rather than age related.

Teachers have said my child is Most Able, what does this mean?

Simply put, staff in your child’s year group have realised that your child shows potential to excel in a given curriculum area. To ensure that school provides opportunities for pupils to develop, children in KS2 receive a personalised Mable Plan (Most Able Education Plan). This plan, details the support and range of activities that your child will be given. The Mable Plan ensures relevant challenge will be given to your child while children in KS1, will benefit from planned provision, tailored to their needs.

Children will also have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate on their learning and experiences by keeping their own portfolio.

How can I support my child if they are following the Most Able Plan?

Children learn best when learning is fun and tailored to meet a child’s needs. The Most Able Plan summarises key skills that teachers would like to develop, this can provide you with a starting point in identifying extra activities. Sometimes trips to the museum can help, as well as completing extended research projects set by school.

Please speak to your child’s teacher to ensure you fully understand what you can do. Remember – learning should not be pressurised.

Will my child always be considered Most Able?

Of course pupils develop at different rates. Therefore, the Most Able register changes annually, some children are added to the register, whilst others come off. What is important is to ensure that all pupils are given opportunities to fulfil their potential. If a teacher thinks your child is no longer Most Able in their year group they will inform you, when the Most Able Plan is reviewed.

Whenever children leave Lynch Hill (eg in Year 6 or during the year as a result of a change of circumstance) we always inform the new school that we, at Lynch Hill, believed the child was Most Able It is dependent on each school (and year group) to identify children as Most Able. 

The Most Able team at Lynch Hill

All teachers work together to assess pupil’s abilities and provide for their academic needs. Therefore, your first person to contact would be the class teacher or year group leader. Miss Tidey has the responsibility for coordinating More Able provision across the school, she also liaises with many other teachers, so she may also be able to assist you with your query. If you have any concerns, please contact a member of staff.