Counselling Psychology

At Lynch Hill we have a Counselling Psychologist named Dr Amanda Parsons. She works within our school carrying out psychological therapy, with individual children or groups, who have social, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
Children and families may be referred to her for a variety of reasons.  These include low mood, anxiety, problems with friends, and behavioural difficulties.

She is trained in a number of different types of therapy which all inform her work (psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and humanistic therapy).  Play and artwork are also important aspects of her work with children. The therapeutic relationship is of key importance and she works with the children to ensure they feel safe and that they can trust her to put their needs first and to hear their voice.

Sessions are held weekly for 45-50 minutes.  The children can work in a number of different ways: playing with toys, games, completing worksheets or talking.  The children are made aware that anything they say in therapy is confidential, unless it raises a safeguarding concern. In which case, a member of the safeguarding team will be consulted.